Some of our services include but not limited to:
- Same Day Appointments
- On-site Labs, Blood Draw
- Massage Therapy
- Well Woman Exams
- Primary Care
- Geriatric Medicine
- Internal Medicine
- Preventative Health Screenings
- School, Camp and Work Physicals
- Pulmonary Function Tests
- Spirometry
- Vaccines
- Injections
Services we do in the office:
- Random Glucose Testing or Fasting
- Laceration Repair (Suture: Placing and Removal)
- Wound Dressing Changes
- Incision and Drainage (L&D)
- Injections
- Vaccines (Flu, Pneumonia, Td, Tdap)
- PPD Testing (Tuberculosis 1 or 2 steps)
- Joint Aspiration
- Ear Lavage (ear wash)
- FOBT (Fecal Occult Blood Test)
- Rectal Digital Prostate Exam
- Pap Smears
- Nebulizer Treatments (For Asthma)
- Oxygen Therapy.
Our Mission
To provide high quality, convenient, state of the art Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, and Primary Care to the community in today’s dynamic health care environment.